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Noreen Manson

Interview with Noreen Manson about their time at Gimnasio Turre
  • Q. How long have you been a member of Gimnasio Turre ?
    2 Years 4 months
  • Q. What was your initial motivation for joining the Gym ?
    Mobility issues & need to lose weight.
  • Q. Have you achieved your goals yet ?
    Not yet but weight loss & improved fitness has hugely improved quality of life. 41 kilos / 90 pounds lost since joining but have lost 58 kilos / 128 pounds in total.
  • Q. Do you have a Gym Buddy or favourite "Spotter" at the Gym ?
    Annmarie Manson
  • Q. Why did you choose Gimnasio Turre over other Gyms ?
    FB content Recommendation Convenient Location
  • Q. Do you see your membership as a long term or short term scenario ?
    Long term
  • Q. What is your favourite piece of equipment to use ?
    Leg press
  • Q. What is your easiest muscle to work on ?
    After almost 2.5 years, I can't say that any muscle is more or less difficult to work. Once you get used to the equipment & understand what it does & how to use it, it is easier. As you move forward with your personal plan & you understand how to manage your own progress, that is when you take more control & can work on areas that need more focus.
  • Q. What is the hardest Muscle to work on ?
    After almost 2.5 years, I can't say that any muscle is more or less difficult to work. Once you get used to the equipment & understand what it does & how to use it, it is easier. As you move forward with your personal plan & you understand how to manage your own progress, that is when you take more control & can work on areas that need more focus.
  • Q. Do you go to any of our classes ?
    Yes - 3 Circuit Classes each week
  • Q. How many times a week do you attend the Gym ?
    5 or 6 days per week
  • Q. Do you have a current plan in place ?
    Yes - Push, Pull, Legs & using the Strong App to monitor total weight being lifted
  • Q. Do you follow a strict Diet ?
    Count calories (1900 per day ) & log all food / drink in MyFitnessPal & try to hit protein & fibre goals. Drink 2 Litres of water per day. Weigh daily & take weekly average for progress.
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