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Andy J

Interview with Andy J about their time at Gimnasio Turre
AGE: 65 | NATIONALITY: British
  • Q. How long have you been a member of Gimnasio Turre ?
    I've been a member of Gimnasio Turre for 3 years
  • Q. What was your initial motivation for joining the Gym ?
    Initially I joined the Gym to improve my fitness and to lose weight.
  • Q. Have you achieved your goals yet ?
    I can't say I've achieved my goals yet,but I feel I'm someway down that road. I've reached a level of fitness that I never thought I would get to in my 60s...but I know I can go further.
  • Q. Do you have a Gym Buddy or favourite "Spotter" at the Gym ?
    I've made many friends at the Gym.Its a very friendly place,but I don't have a specific buddy or Spotter.
  • Q. Why did you choose Gimnasio Turre over other Gyms ?
    I had seen the adverts for the Gym and it had been recommended by a few friends, it took me a couple of months after it's initial opening to buck up the courage to go and meet Ricky and I've been told the hardest part is walking through the door for the first time.
  • Q. Do you see your membership as a long term or short term scenario ?
    It's definitely a long term scenario for me...Part of my life now.
  • Q. What is your favourite piece of equipment to use ?
    Easy...The Assault Bike.When I first tried it I could barely achieve 20 calories.Now I regularly burn 400 calories on it.Its hard but I like it.
  • Q. What is your easiest muscle to work on ?
    Although I have knee problems I think my legs are strong.
  • Q. What is the hardest Muscle to work on ?
    Not sure ..I'm new to lifting weights so not really able to say.
  • Q. Do you go to any of our classes ?
    I don't go to any classes.
  • Q. How many times a week do you attend the Gym ?
    I go to the Gym 4 or 5 times a week.
  • Q. Do you have a current plan in place ?
    I do not have a current plan at the moment
  • Q. Do you follow a strict Diet ?
    Definately eating a lot healthier now.
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