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Interview with Rachel about their time at Gimnasio Turre
AGE: 56 | NATIONALITY: British
  • Q. How long have you been a member of Gimnasio Turre ?
  • Q. What was your initial motivation for joining the Gym ?
    Strengthen my back and improve overall fitness and flexibility.
  • Q. Have you achieved your goals yet ?
    Yes, but still improving 😊
  • Q. Do you have a Gym Buddy or favourite "Spotter" at the Gym ?
    Yes, Nicole is great to workout with and of course Ricky is always on hand to point out where I could do something better/more effectively. Pretty much everyone at the gym is willing to help if needed, everyone encourages each other when needed. A really great group of people.
  • Q. Why did you choose Gimnasio Turre over other Gyms ?
    I chose it because I was told about it by a friend and once I plucked up the courage to visit, I soon realised it was really friendly and full of all types of people – fitness levels, goals, sizes, ages and nationalities all super friendly.
  • Q. Do you see your membership as a long term or short term scenario ?
    Definitely long term 😊 I love the buzz when I finish a workout.
  • Q. What is your favourite piece of equipment to use ?
    Hmmm, tricky one… probably the leg press because I noticed such an improvement in my overall leg strength when I was skiing this season.
  • Q. What is your easiest muscle to work on ?
    Still learning the names of the muscles but I enjoy working my very shy biceps.
  • Q. What is the hardest Muscle to work on ?
    Abdominals! Arggg
  • Q. Do you go to any of our classes ?
    No, if it wasn’t for work getting in the way I would try Pilates, yoga and circuits.
  • Q. How many times a week do you attend the Gym ?
    Most weeks it’s four times a week, rarely three and never five!
  • Q. Do you have a current plan in place ?
    Yes, Ricky has provided me with a great set of routines to work on and constantly improve – not to mention my weekly, hugely enjoyable but totally exhausting, PT sessions.
  • Q. Do you follow a strict Diet ?
    I follow a healthy diet but I’m not regimented by it – life is too short!
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